gospel we have received the "Spirit of adoption" whereby we are no
longer spiritual orphans but are now beloved children of God and joint
heirs with Christ (John 14:18; Romans 8:12-25; Galatians 3:27-4:9;
Ephesians 1:5); and
WHEREAS, The God we now know as our Father
reveals himself as a "father of the fatherless" (Psalm 68:5) who grants
mercy to orphans (Deuteronomy 10:18; Hosea 14:3); and
Our Lord Jesus welcomes the little ones (Luke 18:15-17), pleads for the
lives of the innocent (Psalm 72:12-14), and shows us that we will be
held accountable for our response to "the least of these brothers of
mine" (Matthew 25:40); and
WHEREAS, The Scripture defines "pure
and undefiled religion" as "to look after orphans and widows in their
distress" (James 1:27); and
WHEREAS, The satanic powers and the
ravages of sin have warred against infants and children from Pharaoh to
Molech to Herod and, now, through the horrors of a divorce culture, an
abortion industry, and the global plagues of disease, starvation, and
warfare; and
WHEREAS, Southern Baptists have articulated an unequivocal commitment to the sanctity of all human life, born and unborn; and
Churches defined by the Great Commission must be concerned for the
evangelism of children—including those who have no parents; and
Upward of 150 million orphans now languish without families in
orphanages, group homes, and placement systems in North America and
around the world; and
WHEREAS, Our Father loves all of these
children, and a great multitude of them will never otherwise hear the
gospel of Jesus Christ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the
messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Louisville,
Kentucky, June 23-24, 2009, express our commitment to join our Father in
seeking mercy for orphans; and be it further
call on each Southern Baptist family to pray for guidance as to whether
God is calling them to adopt or foster a child or children; and be it
RESOLVED, That we encourage our pastors and church leaders to preach and teach on God's concern for orphans; and be it further
That we commend churches and ministries that are equipping families to
provide financial and other resources to those called to adopt, through
grants, matching funds, or loans; and be it further
That we encourage local churches to champion the evangelism of and
ministry to orphans around the world, and to seek out ways to energize
Southern Baptists behind this mission; and be it further
That we encourage Southern Baptist churches to join with other
evangelical Christians in setting aside a special Sunday each year to
focus upon our adoption in Christ and our common burden for the orphans
of the world; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we pray what God
is doing in creating an adoption culture in so many churches and
families can point us to a gospel oneness that is determined not by “the
flesh,” or race, or economics, or cultural sameness, but by the Spirit,
unity, and peace in Christ Jesus; and be it finally
That we pray for an outpouring of God's Spirit on Southern Baptist
congregations so that our churches will proclaim and picture, in word
and in deed, that “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of
the world.”
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